Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Children's Book Review: Edward and the Pirates

Edward and the Pirates
written and illustrated by David McPhail
published by Little, Brown Books for Little Readers

This one's all about Edward, a kid who just loves to read. It tells of his many great reading adventures. He comes across a book in the library about lost pirate treasure, and when he takes the book home to read it, he gets a surprise visit from pirates!

The Little Guy's Impression
He had me read this book to him every night we had it checked out. He liked the illustrations; often I would have to pause extra long before turning the pages so he could study the illustrations more.

Mom's Impression
This was another book that had a storyline, so it was a big hit with me. It also scored big points with me because it was about reading and using your imagination; two of my favorite things for my kiddos. This is one I would definitely add to our home library.

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