Saturday, April 13, 2013

C Week Cont'd


Alright, so maybe it's not the most creative of things I could have done this week. But here were our "activities" for C week.

C Dinner

Nothing complicated here. (As if I ever do anything really complicated.)

Corn dogs

Voila. C Dinner is served!  (Sorry. No pictures. We did C dinner with all of the cousins, and it was a bit of a madhouse.)

Cupcake Caterpillars

This one was a lot of fun. 

Make cupcakes.

Yes, I used a box mix. There was no way I was up for attempting to make scratch cake batter with two assistants aged three and four. 

Frosting? I make my own. Having been raised by my Momma, it's not in my genes to buy frosting. This is basically the recipe I use, except I HALF it. And...

My name is Charlotte. And I'm a vanilla-holic. Therefore, I at least double the vanilla extract, and I usually like to mix in a little almond flavoring as well.

We tinted our frosting yellow.  You pick your own color.

Frost each cupcake, put a small smear of frosting on the bottom of the wrapper and stick it to a cardboard covered with tin foil. Arrange them in a caterpillar pattern.

Decorate. We used: Pull 'n' peel licorice for the antennae and mouths. Marshmallows cut in half along with chocolate chips for the eyes. Green sprinkles.

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