Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'd like to introduce myself...

I'm a pretty regular wife and mom.

Two darling boys. One turns four years old in May. The other turns one year old in May.

I'm not crafty. I'm not particularly handy.

But I love my job as housewife. And I adore my boys.

Workin' as hard as I can to raise my little ones with the brightest future possible and not go crazy at the same time.

I'm a traditionalist, and I want so much for my boys to learn hard work, honesty and integrity, compassion, and gentlemanly manners.

I'm guilty of sometimes allowing too much screen time. But it's something I'm working on. Some days I never get make up on my face, and I'm ok with that.

I do not believe myself to be particularly clever, but hope to share my own ideas and begin a good conversation with the world about what's best for my kiddos.

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